Suydam Family - Dutch Roots

I previously had posted the history of the Suydam Family from Hendrik Rycken. I have deleted that information from this page because of the uncertainity of where my Suydam Family Roots originated.

Previous Research was done about 20 years which indicated that my family were descendents of Hendrik Rycken. The most recent research proves that what was previously accepted by my family, was not true. I have been able to locate the family in the 1855 census for Troy, New York, but it has definitely been difficult to find information on this family.

Abram Sedam, born 1830-1831, Troy, Rennselaer County, New York married Sarah Valentine, born 1830-1831, Troy, Rennselaer County, New York, (daughter of Mary Valentine - nee unknown - sister of Eliza Valentine). They can be found in the 1855 Troy, NY census living with Mary and Eliza Valentine. Their child Elbert is listed as Elbridge Sedam in the Census. I think that Abram and Sarah may have died pretty young and young Elbert could have been raised by his grandmother, Mary Valentine. There is a large gap in the research from 1855 to 1880.

Elbert Osborn Suydam, born about 1853-54, New York. He married Marcia J. Sly, b. December 9, 1959, DesMoines, IA. The two married abt. 1879 in Brainard, New York. Prior to his death Elbert, Sr. would move to and die in the Dakota Territory. Marcia did not go with him to the Dakota territory because she was taking care of her grandmother, Mary Valentine. Marcia would remarry after receiving a copy of the obituary of her husband from the Dakota Territory. Marcia died on March 1, 1938, in Los Angeles, California. Children of Elbert & Marcia:

  1. Sarah Elizabeth "Libby" Suydam, born August 1, 1879, New York - Died March 13, 1958, Los Angeles, California. She married 1) Mr. Zindel 2) Bernard Marks
  2. Elbert Beaumont Suydam, born June 25, 1882 in Albany, New York - died: January 20, 1941, Shafter, California

Elbert's mother, Marcia, remarried Joseph Schultz. Mr. Schultz was 13 years younger than Marcia, and only 10 years older than young Elbert. He was a mean stepfather and beat young Elbert with a horsewhip. However, Elbert was known to pull dirty tricks on him, such as tricking him to the creek where he had captured a skunk and getting him sprayed. Elbert ran away at age 13 and had a hard life. Elbert would tell his children stories about his great grandmother. She had been among pioneers in New York. Once they traded 160 acres, which is now downtown Buffalo, for a team of oxen and a covered wagon because the neighbors got too close. She told them of being in log cabin and seeing animal eyes in the cracks at night. They found an Indian with a broken leg and took him home to doctor him. One morning he was gone. After that, they would find a leg of deer or something similar on their porch a few times. One day, the Indian came running and frantically tried to get them to get in a boat and leave. They watched as other Indians came out of the woods and killed him with a tomahawk.

Young Elbert would be married twice. His first marriage was to Edna Emery on September 21, 1900 in Brainard, New York (Rensselaer County). They were both 17 at the time of the marriage. Together they had three girls. Edna would die prematurely at the age of 24 in 1907. Before her death, Edna asked Elbert to take the children to the west. He fulfilled this promise to his dying wife. Blanche and Marion were raised by their Aunt Carrie Fuller on a ranch in San Diego, California. Elbert and Edna's children are:

  1. Elizabeth Lucinda Suydam, born April 13, 1902 - died: August 2, 1902
  2. Blanch Suydam, born 1903, died March 15, 2000
  3. Marion Ludlow Suydam, born 1905

After coming west Elbert had odd jobs and apparently liked working with horses.

In about 1910, he would marry for the second time to Hannah Sophie Chorengel who was born October 12, 1883 in Chicago, Illinois. John Chorengel (Hannah's father) met Elbert Suydam who was working in a livery stable in Los Angeles and brought him home to meet the family. Hannah Sophie was then about 25. She liked his voice when they had previously talked on the telephone. They married and continued living in the LA area. Elbert continued working with horses. They lived with Hannah Sophie's parents until their first child, Burnadetta Suydam was born. Birdie had 7 month colic and Hannah's father worked nights. Birdie cried all day, so they had to move. They lived a great many places in Southern California, the family moved around quite a bit. Elbert would tire of an area or job and move on to the next. Hannah Sophie and the children always followed. In 1924, Elbert became very ill while they were living in Garden Grove, CA. The Doctor gave Hannah Sophie 3 days to Elbert to a drier climate. She sold everything except the fruit in the stand they were operating (which she abandoned), and the possessions they could carry in a 1920 Chevrolet panel truck. 3 days later, Hannah, sick Elbert, 3 kids, ages 6-13, and a dog headed for Bakersfield, CA. They had a sack of apples on one fender and a sack of potatoes on the other & mattresses on the roof. They drove for 2 days to cross the old Ridge Route to the San Joaquin Valley. They settled in the Rio Bravo Area of Kern County, CA. Children of Elbert and Hannah Sophie Suydam:

  1. Burnadetta Sophie Suydam, born: May 06, 1911 - married Kenneth Gross
  2. Ada Elizabeth Suydam, Living - married Pete L Bergen
  3. John Elbert Suydam, born: September 14, 1915, died: 1920, Los Angeles, California
  4. Donald Beaumont Suydam, born: July 29, 1918, married Betty Harrell - 2nd marriage to Mary Tremain, Donald died: April 1976.

Follow the link for Pete Bergen for the continuing story of my family. I hope to be adding more information of my family soon - so stay Tuned.

Please leave your Suydam Family History in the guestbook before you leave. I find the Suydam Family History and their part in the history of New York quite fascinating. IF YOU ARE TRYING TO CONTACT LOST FAMILY MEMBERS OR MAKE A GENEALOGY CONNECTION DO NOT MAKE THE MESSAGE PRIVATE. NO ONE WILL SEE IT BUT ME. All the information I have on this family is available at Search My Entire Database On Rootsweb. If the information is not here - I don't know it, sorry and there is no need to email me. Thanks, Rita

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