Epp Family Genealogy
The Epp Family line can be traced back quite far. We don't know anything about their lives or any particulars, except dates. There are quite a few genealogists out there discovering their part of the Epp Family. It has been nice running into all of them online and working with them. I owe a big "thank you" to a distant cousin, Agnes Epp. She still has more information to pass along. Thanks Agnes, without you I'd be lost.
I am only going to continue with my direct line. I do have information on the other people listed. If there is someone you would like further information on, please let me know. Here we go:
Peter Epp was born 1681 in Prussia, he died 1733 in Prussia. He was married to Anna Claassen who was born 1683 in Prussia and died 1730 in Prussia. They had the following children:
Peter Epp, born 1724, married Catharina Wiens April 24, 1751. She was born November 12, 1730 and died January 5, 1776 in Stadtgebiet, Danzig, Prussia. Peter was an Elder. Their children were:
Heinrich Epp, born 1757, was married 3 times. 1st wife was Anna Penner, they were married October 30, 1775 in Danzig, Prussia. In 1795, they would immigrate to Russia. Anna died in approximately 1798. That’s when he married his 2nd wife Margaretha Epp, she died 1800. He then married Susanna L. Bartsch in 1801. She would die in 1809. I am only going to list the children of his 1st marriage to Anna Penner since this is where my line continues.
Heinrich Epp, born 1784, married a girl named Anna. We don't know her maiden name. Heinrich immigrated to Altonau, South Russia between 1804 and 1808. Heinrich and Anna had the following children:
Johann Epp, born 1808, was married twice. 1st wife was Susanna Kroeker. They were married abt 1832 in Blumstein, Molotschna, So Russia. Susanna was born December 23, 1809 in Blumstein, Molotschna, So Russia. She died April 3, 1837 in Altonau, Molotschna, So Russia giving birth to her last child. Johann then married Maria Wiebe on February 23, 1855 in Petershagen, Molotschna, So Russia. Children of Johann and Susanna Kroeker:
Johann Epp, born 1836, was married 3 times. His first marriage was to Marie Huebner in 1858. She was born January 7, 1840 and died April 8, 1873 in Blumenort, Molotschna, So Russia. His 2nd marriage was to Susanna Sommerfield abt 1873. She was born August 27, 1844 and died July 18, 1879, which was one month after the family had immigrated to the US. The family started their journey to America from the port of Antwerp. They arrived in the US on June 24, 1879 on the ship "Switzerland". They would make their home in Kansas. Johann's 3rd marriage was too Maria Schmidt on January 15, 1880. She was born June 18, 1831 in Alexanderwohl, Molotschna, So Russia - died May 5, 1905. Children of Johann Epp and Marie Huebner:
Children of Johann Epp and Susanna Sommerfield are:
Follow the link of Maria Epp for my family's continuing line. As previously stated if you would like further information about anyone on this page just send me an email and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.
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